The diode limiter and clamper | Electronics Lab report
In this lab, we want to prove the operation of the diode limiter. I mean we should put levels Forbidden the signal from going above or below these levels .this levels are equal to voltages of a diode. This limiter also it's called (a clipper)Oscilloscope |
Required Equipment
15-kΩ resistor 1/4 W1N4001 silicon rectifier diode
0-15 V dc power supply
5-kΩ potentiometer
Dual trace oscilloscope
Breadboarding socket
Signal generator
Part one: The Limiter
Wire the limiter circuit shown in figure 1 –1(A). Set the oscilloscope to the following approximate setting shown in the figure:Figure 1-1(A): Schematic diagram of circuits |
Time base: 1ms / division
Now connect the signal generator to the breadboard. Then, the signal generator output level must be adjusted at 6 V peak to peak at a frequency of 200 Hz.
Now connect the circuit as shown in figure 1-1(C). Apply power to the breadboard and adjust the potentiometer so that the dc voltage (Vdc) is +1.5 V. Connect the signal generator. Set at 6 V peak to peak.
Now reverse the polarities of both diode and dc power supply in the circuit as shown in figure1-1(D).
Part two: The clamper
Required Equipment
10-kΩ resistor .1/4 W1N4001 silicon rectifier diode
10-micro Farad electrolytic capacitor 25V
dual trace oscilloscope
breadboarding socket
signal generator
Useful formula
Camber time constant1) 10RLC>>Tinput
Peak output voltage
2) Vout (peak) = Vin (peak to peak) - Vd
Wire the clamber circuit shown in figure2-1Now the polarity of the diode in the circuit must be reversed. And repeat steps 1,2.
In this lab we can see that there is a diode limiter equal to the diode's potential, and we can also control it by DC source voltage.Resources:
lab of electronic deviceelectronic device lab manual
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