Quantities Takeoff - BOQ, Cost estimation and Project planning and scheduling for construction project

Explanation of the project:
This project is Pharmaceutical Production building. According to the plans, areas can be summarized:

Ground floor area = 729.57 m2
Staircase area = 27.2 m2

Concrete strength and yielding strength of reinforcing steel:
For all bearing elements (Foundations, Tie Beams, Neck columns, Columns Slabs, Beams (dropped & hidden), Leveling Walls and Retaining walls) Concrete (B300)
fc’ = 250 Kg/m2

Yield strength of reinforcing steel for all bars
fy = 4200 Kg/cm2

Minimum concrete cover requirements for each structural member:
Columns: From side cover to face of stirrups 4.0 cm. Dimension of columns should be increased underground till the cover reach at least 5.0 cm from side of cover to face of stirrups. First stirrups start at 5cm from the face of foundations or slabs and to be continued through slab and foundation.

Beams: From side cover to face of stirrups 4.0 cm. First stirrups start at 5cm from the face of column.
Slabs: Top and bottom cover to face of steel 2.5 cm.
Bearing walls: From side cover to face of stirrups 2.5 cm.
Retaining walls: From external side cover (near soil) to face of stirrups 5.0 cm.
Plastic Spacers with variable sizes should be used to achieve the cover above.

For foundations:
Bearing Capacity of soil is assumed to be Æ¡E = 4 Kg/cm.
Footing size is determined from the assumed bearing capacity of soil.
Loose soil must be removed from foundation level.
All foundations to be casted by concrete (B300) with a slump of 6”.
Granular soil should be used for filling after foundations and also behind Retaining walls.
The building is designed to carry five floors.
Excavation for foundation must be done to reach a level according to the instructions of the engineer.

General notes:
Concrete compression test should be taken for cast Concrete.
External walls (behind stone) could be cast mechanically in site, and concrete should be tested. The result should be as shown in Material strength (above).
Concrete for External walls (behind stone) should be tested (Compression Test), about three samples (minimum).
All Bearing elements should be cast by using Ready mixed concrete with Pump.
Vibrator should be used for all reinforced elements and also the Slope Screed on roof.
Aggregates sizes should be less than (2cm)
Formwork (metal scaffolding) only for slabs and drop beams

Quantities Takeoff

Quantities takeoff and project management

All quantities have been calculated according to CAD drawings, with specifications that mentioned above.


Table 1 – Quantities of footings
   No. of footings    Footing    Concrete of each type of footing (m3)       TOTAL blinding concrete (m3)       TOTAL insulation (m2)        TOTAL Concrete of footing (m3)       Excavation (m3)   
4 F0 0.35 0.576 2.4 1.4 1.4
4 F1 6.656 4.624 18.56 26.624 11.466
5 F2 5.85 5.12 16.8 29.25 10.4
10 F3 2.88 6.76 10.56 28.80 5.78
3 F4 2.42 1.728 9.24 7.26 5.12
2 F5 2.24 1.08 8.88 4.48 4.94
1 F6 3.745 0.904 14.24 3.745 16.44

20.792 80.68 101.559 202.944

Sample calculation for Footing 1 (F1):
Length = 3.2 m
Width = 3.2 m
Height = 0.65 m
Concrete of one footing = 3.2*3.2*0.65 = 6.656 m3
Total blinding concrete = 3.4*3.4*0.1*4 = 4.624 m2
Total insulation = ((3.2*3.2)+4*3.2*0.65) = 18.56 m2

Note: Excavation should be with at least 50 cm from each side:
Total Excavation = 4.2*4.2*0.65 = 11.466 m3


Table 2 – Quantities of concrete for columns
Column type surface area of columns (m2) Long columns Short columns
C1 0.36 2.2284 1.7316
C2 0.24
C3 0.18 1.1142 0.8658
C4 0.33
C5 0.24
C6 0.22
C7 0.21
External wall 2.172 9.1224
TOTAL concrete of columns (m3) 46.7273

Sample calculation for Column 1 (C1) – Long :
Length = 0.6 m
Width = 0.6 m
Height = 6.19 m
Surface area = 0.6*0.6 = 0.36 m2
Concrete for one column = 0.36*6.19 = 2.2284 m3
There are 5 columns C1:
Total concrete for all columns = 5*2.2284 = 11.14 m3

Neck columns

Table 3 – Quantities for neck columns
Column type surface area of neck columns (m2) Concrete of neck columns (m3) insulation (m2)
C1 0.4225 0.2535 1.56
C2 0.2975 0.1785 1.44
C3 0.2275 0.1365 1.2
C4 0.4025 0.2415 1.8
C5 0.2925 0.1755 1.32
C6 0.2875 0.1725 1.68
C7 0.2625 0.1575 1.32
TOTAL (m3)
1.3155 10.32

Sample calculation for Neck Column 1 (C1):
Length = 0.65 m
Width = 0.65 m
Height = 0.6 m
Surface area = 0.65*0.65 = 0.4225 m2
Concrete for one neck column = 0. 65*0.65*0.6 = 0.2535 m3
Insulation for one neck column = 0.65*0.6*4 = 1.56 m2
There are 5 neck columns C1:
Total concrete for all 5 neck columns C1 = 5*0.2535 = 1.27 m3
Total insulation for all 5 neck columns C1 = 5*1.56 = 7.8 m3

Tie Beams

Table 4 – Quantities for Tie Beams
Tie Beams
- Concrete (m3) Blinding concrete (m3) insulation (m2)
TOTAL 46.1945 13.86 321.48

All volumes have been obtained from AutoCAD drawings directly
Concrete for all tie beams (two types) = 40.412+5.7825 = 46.1945 m3
Blinding concrete for all tie beams = 12.16+1.7 = 13.86 m3
Insulation = 283.63+37.85 = 321.48 m2

Slab on grade

Table 5 – Quantities for slab on grade
Slab on grade
- Concrete (m3) insulation (m2)
TOTAL 68.31 13.07

Sample calculation for slab on grade:
Surface area = 683.1 m2
Parameter = 130.7 m
Thickness = 10 cm
Concrete = 683.1 * 0.1 = 68.31 m3
Insulation = 130.7*0.1 = 13.07 m2


Table 6– Quantities for beams
BEAM Concrete (m3)
B1+B2 41.328
B3 0.891
B4 1.22175
B5 0
B6 6.012
B7 2.358
B8 2.952
B9 1.8306
B10 0
B11 0
B12 0
B13 2.4225
B14 0
TOTAL 59.01585

Note: Concrete has been calculated just for the drop part, because the other part has been calculated with the slab

Sample calculation for beam 3 (B3), as I mentioned just for the drop part:
Length = 6.6 m
Width = 0.3 m
Height = 0.45 m
There is just one B3:
Total concrete for B3= 6.6*0.3*0.45 = 0.891 m3

Wall footing for the staircase

Table 7– Quantities for wall-footings
Footings of staircase (contains the elevator)
Type of wall-footing Concrete of each type of footing (m3) TOTAL blinding concrete (m3) insulation (m2)
wf1 3.744 1.092 11.8
wf2 1.24 0.372 5.98
wf3 1.176 0.336 4.62
combined 4.352 1.224 14.32
TOTAL 10.512 3.024 36.72

Sample calculation for wall footing 1 (WF1):
Length = 7.8 m
Width = 1.2 m
Height = 0.4 m
There is just one WF1:
Total concrete for WF1= 0.4*1.2*7.8 = 3.744 m3
Total blinding concrete for WF1= 1.4*7.8*0.1= 1.092 m3
Area of insulation has been obtained from AutoCAD directly = 9.36+2.44 = 11.8 m2

Walls under the ground for the staircase

Table 8– Quantities for walls under the ground
walls under the ground (for the staircase)
- Concrete (m3) Hollow blocks (m2) insulation (m2)
wf1 2.62875 0 21.405
wf2 1.2 0 9.975
wf3 9 0 9.375
combined 3.6 14.4 14.4
TOTAL 16.42875 14.4 55.155

Sample calculation for wall 1 of the part which is under the ground (WF1):
Length = 7.01 m
Thickness = 0.25 m
Height = 1.5 m
There is just one WF1:
Total concrete for WF1= 1.5*.25*7.01 = 2.62875 m3
Hollow blocks for WF1= 0 m3
Area of insulation = (0.25*1.5)+(1.5*7.01*2)= 21.405 m2

Shear walls above the ground (contains slabs for each floor and concrete of staircase)

Table 9– Quantities for Shear walls above the ground and slab for each floor
shear walls above the ground & slaps of each floor
- Concrete (m3)
wf1 13.319
wf2 6.08
wf3 45.6
combined 17.593125
slabs and stairs 18.14
TOTAL 100.732125

Sample calculation for wall 1 of the part which is above the ground (WF1):
Length = 7.01 m
Thickness = 0.25 m
Height = 1.5 m
There is just one WF1:
Total concrete for WF1= 7.6*.25*7.01 = 13.319 m3

For slabs and staircase volume of concrete has been obtained directly from autocad:
Concrete for slabs and stairs = 2.74+2.35+4.15+2.35+1.26+5.29 m3

Quantities of steel - sample calculations

Sample calculation for Footing 4 (F4):

Table 10– Quantities of steel for footing 4 F4
foundation 4
- L.B.L L.B.T L.T.L L.T.T Weight of bars (ton)
Bars 12 12 1 1
Φ16 2.9 2.9


2.7 2.7 0.003402

Sum 0.11685

Sample calculation for column 4 (C4):

Table 11– Quantities of steel for column 4 C4
foundation 4
- L.B.L L.B.T L.T.L L.T.T Weight of bars (ton)
Bars 12 12 1 1
16 2.9 2.9


2.7 2.7 0.003402

Sum 0.11685

Sample calculation for Neck Column 4:

Table 12– Quantities of steel for Neck Column 4
Main Reinforcement Stirrup

#of bars length unit weight Total Weight #of bars length unit weight Total Weight
16 18*2=36 3.65 1.63 0.214




68 2.16 0.41 0.06

Sample calculation for Beam 5:

Table 13– Quantities of steel for Beam 5

# of bars Length unit weight area total Weight
14 10 3.2 0.00125 0.00015386 0.04

Total Weight 0.04

Sample calculation for shear wall 2:

Table 14– Quantities of steel for shear wall 2
Shear Wall 2

Longitudinal Transverse

#of bars length unit weight total weight #of bars length total weight








12 32 10 0.92 294.4 92 3.2 0.2709

Sample calculations for formwork quantities

Shuttering for slab of the staircase:
Thickness = 15 cm
Parameter = 24.2 m
Surface area = 27.18 m
Formwork = 27.18+24.2*0.15= 30.81 m2

Shuttering for column 4 (C4):
Length = 0.6 m
Width = 0.6 m
Height = 6.19 m
Surface area = 0.6*0.6 = 0.36 m2
Shuttering for one column = 0. 6*6.19*4 = 14.86 m2
There are 5 columns C1:
Total concrete for all columns = 5*14.86 = 74.28 m2

Note: All formwork quantities have been obtained directly from the surface area give from the AutoCAD.

Cost estimate

Microsoft Excel has been used for this purpose

Table 16– Activities productivity
Activity Productivity Crew Labor Cost/day
Shuttering 30 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
Steel Fixing (footings, shear walls...) 600 kg/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
Steel Fixing (Slabs) 1000 kg/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
Concrete Pouring 140 m3/day 3 General - $
De-shuttering 40 m2/day 1 General - $
Insulation (two faces) 25 m2/day 1 General - $
Blocks 30 m2/day 1 General - $
Scaffolding installation 30 No./day 1 General - $
Excavation to reduce level including Backfilling 88 m3/day Subcontractor - $
Excavation for foundations including Backfilling and working space 44 m3/day Subcontractor - $
building block partitions 100 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
stone building 30 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
blocks behind stone 9 m2/day 1 General - $
concrete boring behind stone 120 m3/day 1 General - $
stone cladding 35 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
vertical plastering 20 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
horizontal plastering 18 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
vertical painting 35 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
horizontal painting 35 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
false ceiling 35 m2/day Subcontractor lump-sum per m2
roof 250 m2/day 1 General+1 Skilled - $
Tiling ( Marble) 30 m2/day Subcontractor lump-sum per m2
Tiling ( porcelain) 25 m2/day Subcontractor lump-sum per m2
Tiling ( ceramic ) 25 m2/day Subcontractor lump-sum per m2

Table 17– Materials unit cost
Material Unit Cost $/unit Notes
Concrete B300 m3 -$ Including arriving to the site and pumping
Concrete B200 m3 -$ Including arriving to the site and pumping
Steel ton -$ Including fabrication, +$X to include lifting to higher level
Wood m3 -$ Including arriving to the site
Nito proof bucket -$ +$X to include Brush for each pocket
Nylon m2 -$
Jack No. -$ Renting for 25 days
Basecourse m2 -$ Including compaction

Project planning and scheduling

Primavera software has been used for planning. Also, for this chapter we're going just to preview some examples.

Bill of quantities BOQ
You can download the original sample from the project documents in the end of the article


Overdraft calculation
You can download the original sample from the project documents in the end of the article


Project schedule

Project documents to download:
Overdraft Calculation & S-Curve Sample - Click here to download
Project schedule Sample - Click here to download

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